LSF Grant Program
Grant Purpose: The Lewis Sports Foundation grant program is designed to promote youth education, physical activity, and sport in Minnesota and nationwide. The program was developed to support coaches, administrators, groups, teams, organizations, or fund services. The goal is to address financial realities associated with participating in or managing physical activity and sport. Organizations that request non-operational support are given more consideration. Grant distributions range from $500-$1000.
As a standard practice, LSF provides grants for:
Programs that support youth physical activity and sport participation
Equipment and supplies
Team or organizational entry fees to competition or events
Recreational events
Athletic Associations
Non-fundraising sporting events
Academic based curriculums that involve health and/or physical activity as their topics
Other sport interests that are under the discretion of the LSF Board of Directors
Organizations and activities outside of Foundation Guidelines: The decision to decline a request may not imply that the applicant’s program is not needed or valued. Rather it may not fall within our giving guidelines or priorities, or that funds are not available. The Board of Directors may make exceptions to this rule. LSF does not support:
Organizations without 501(c)(3) status
Conferences, seminars and workshops
Tuition to non-LSF sports camps
Fundraising events
Funding an organization’s scholarship or grant program
Religious programs or events
Political events
Deadlines for the submission of all information for Grants are April 30, July 31, and November 31. The number and size of grants and scholarships allocated each year depends on the budgeted allotment, the number of applications received, and the amount of funding requested. Each request will be reviewed 2-3 weeks after being submitted. A decision on each funding request occurs sometime after the deadline and before the end of the reward period. The recipient will be notified by email or postal mail as soon as the request for funding has been determined. No new applications are reviewed after the application deadline. Requests received after each application deadline are forwarded to the next application period for review.
(Requests for assistance at LSF sports camps and events are reviewed on separate timelines).
Grant and Scholarship schedule:
Application period open Application period deadline Results notified and/or Awarded
March 1 April 30 May 1-June 1
June 1 July 31 August 1-September 31
October 1 November 31 January 1-February 28
If you are awarded funding, your project or event must be completed within 12 months of the grant. Funding renewals are not automatic and cannot be guaranteed. If you are applying for a funding renewal, you must submit a report of the final results from the prior grant with your new funding request. Grants are awarded only once to each applicant. Incomplete funding requests will be returned and will not be considered for funding until complete.