Sport and Society Podcasts

Retired Minnesota Viking, sports enthusiast and college instructor launches his favorite collection of sports books in partnership with Mary Taris and Strive Bookstore located in Downtown Minneapolis on the corner of Nicollet and 9th Street.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each item in the book collection will support the Lewis Sports Foundation.
Leo is the host of sport authors, practitioners and enthusiasts in monthly interviews to focus on the relevance and value of sport participation.  The session is called Sport and Society.
Previously, Strive Bookstore did not have a collection of sports centered books. Come to our monthly events and interviews at Strive Bookstore!

Sport and Society Interviews with Dr. Leo Lewis
Steve Davis, Jr.
– author and former student athlete
Duchess Harris, Ph.D. – Professor at Macalester College
Frank White - Author, archivist and Minnesota historian
Doug Hartmann Ph.D. – Professor and Sport Sociologist – University of Minnesota

To view the Podcast videos CLICK HERE

The Sports and Education Alliance is a forum and idea exchange for professionals designed to provide empowerment support and leadership through networking, discourse and dissemination of sports, physical activity and education topics. 

The group advances the knowledge and consciousness about the culture of sport and education in our society.  National and local leaders provide insight and perspective to the historical and current intersection of both professional pursuits.


Why the Alliance?

  • To provide information that acknowledges the often overlooked good works and leadership in the Twin Cities.

  • To insist in building an information portal that examines sports as a social cultural and educational phenomenon.

  • To create a networking and empowerment zone that engages us in conversation.

  • To develop a leadership zone that encourages professionals to engage in community relations.